Sunday, May 30, 2010

Daily Reminder, # 3

Look for the positives that surround you and bless them with your attention and gratitude.

There are so many small (and not so small) wonders around us if we remember to look for them: a bumble bee, a flower, a blue sky, the smell of rain or a cup of coffee. Or maybe a smile from a friend or stranger, the laughter of a child, the face of your cat, the song of a bird. Then there are miracles like a glass of water ready at hand, a microwave oven.... I could go on and on. The point is to make the conscious effort to bless the wonders you see. The Hawaiians say "energy flows where attention goes." What we focus on we draw to us. Pay attention to what's wrong in your day and it will wrap itself around you in a dark hug. Look over it's shoulder for a thing of beauty, something that's right... and the darkness will slink quietly away without you even noticing it. That is the way of things if we only remember.

A few things I am grateful for today:

my windows and the view from my desk
netflix and the invention of the DVD

Have a Wonderful Day!


Argent said...

Heh! Those Hawaians know a thing or two don't they? Good post. Bee update: a researcher at our local university is working with a local art group (!?) to create a bee habitat nearby. They're planting a wildflower meadow and all kinds of things. Good news.

Argent said...

Heh! Those Hawaians know a thing or two don't they? Good post. Bee update: a researcher at our local university is working with a local art group (!?) to create a bee habitat nearby. They're planting a wildflower meadow and all kinds of things. Good news.

Raven said...

Thanks for the bee news, Argent. I'm so glad to hear it. I was wishing the other day I could plant some bee-friendly flowers that would need no maintenance.

Janie B said...

Ahhh...Gratitude keeps us alive!

Unknown said...

Raven: I share your Gratitude for the simpler joys of life!