It has has been mostly dreary and chilly here still. Not feeling much like Spring. But no matter what the temperature and the skies are saying, the snow in my back yard is gone and the bushes and trees are showing knobs and flowers. Winter may be waging a more stubborn than usual attempt to stick around, but Spring will not be thwarted. These are mostly probably more in the pink and orange vein than truly red. But I'm posting them anyway. They attest to SPRING! Yeeee haaa!! Whoopee!!
Glad that Winter is gone and Spring has brought a new lease of life to the living things around you.
I'm expecting your surrounding environment to be more colourful and cheery in the weeks ahead. :)
Love your red signs - it's got to be getting very close when Robin Red Breast makes an appearance!
Nice to see the Robins out. We're having another touch of winter weather right now.
Happy RT.
I like all your red signs of spring! Enjoy them!
Spring is on the way and you certainly found lots of evidence.
It's cold here today and some snow showers are expected with below freezing temps - what happened to my spring! :)
I love the red branches with the tree trunk - it's full of texture; and I'm curious about those birds with the red neck. I don't think I've seen any of those around here.
Oh, don't you just LOVE seeing those little red buds? SURE signs of spring! Love the birds too!
I love those two flickers--such beautiful birds. We actually had sun here today (Victoria BC) and I sat out on the grass without getting wet!
Happy spring.
How does it feel like in Spring? I don't have any idea about how it is, for I live in a tropical country.
Spring!!!! Let's enjoy it!
Dear Raven,
Your garden carries all the promises of the naked spring.
Red buds and birds returned to nest.
Promises to be fulfilled.
I don't know of a better time.
From Felisol
Those reds sure work for me - love that puffed-up robin!!
It's interesting to see another nation's birds, they seem so exotic compared to the mostly brown blobs we get here! Thank you for the lovely birthday comment, I'm much better humoured now, lol!
Ah, Spring is almost here! I can't wait.
The Robin sighting is a good sign that the season is upon us.
The red buds are also a good sign!
Are those pheasants in your yard?
Neat photos for Ruby Tuesday ~
Spring keeps trying to bust out here, and for the most part it's succeeding. But there's still a bit of chill left in the air. Especially today!
Nice selection on photos! :) How did you manage to get so up close the birdie? Nice work!
I don't know Katherine, your trees and buds look about the same as ours. I took pix at the garden center. Of course they force flowers there! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)
Great Ruby Tuesday post!
I'm sure you're loving the spring season after all the slussy snow everywhere during winter.
Isn't it great seeing these birds appearing everywhere now? :)
Happy Easter Katherine! :)
Spring is here! Although chilly, the new life is budding everywhere. I saw my first Robin the other day, and slowly and surely, the warm season will be here before too long - allowing us to erase memories of the cold (for a few months, anyway...)
Wonderful glimpses of spring. I especially like the last one of the flickers.
Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog Raven. I do appreciate it and I am finally getting around to visit. Certainly the robin and the flickers can be considered 'red'. It's funny, but I just saw a flicker today using my suet feeder and I didn't even know they would do that. I am with you on the gray days. The lack of sun affects my mood and not in a good way...LOL...But spring is coming and you have the proof...Michelle
Lovely photos...I love the captures of the birds. Too sweet.
The robin redbreast is perfect for RT, and so are the flickers.
I love all the varied textures in the shots.
the birdie looked shocked.
so many red items here.
YESSSSSS ! it slowly starts !
Cute first visitors !
Lovely signs of spring.
Yeah for signs of Spring :D!
I don't think I have seen any one of those pretty birdies ever.
I just love spring.
i was also taking twigs shots yesterday...can't wait for spring to go full blast:)
these are simply delightful touches of spring, love them...soon soon very sooonnn...
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