Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And the Greatest of These is Love....

I don't understand why any of us think it's any of our business who gets married to whom. Two of my dearest friends are gay and committed to one another. They would marry if it was legal in my state. I don't understand why anyone would begrudge them that happiness... or think it's their right or business to take marriage away from someone else. I find it puzzling why anyone thinks that allowing people of the same sex to marry one another in some way diminishes their own relationship. That seems to me like fear and judgment talking. It seems to think that The Divinity can't handle His/Her Universe without self-appointed values police who ignore the deepest teachings of the faith they profess to believe in. It always intrigues me that the people who talk the loudest about big government needing to stay out of things are the ones who are most inclined to push for it's intrusion in places where it truly does not belong and it's exculsion from areas where it genuinely can and should serve. But anyway, I thought this was a lovely video.

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

And this seems like a good place to respond to Mary/the Teach's Valentine's Day Love Contest. The idea is to make up a "love" quote in one of three formats. I've chosen form two:

Like God, love is beyond definition or limitations and speaks uniquely to each individual soul; it is personal, private and ineffable. One cannot love wrong.


Anonymous said...

That quote rocks! Way to go, Raven!

Robert said...

I couldn't agree with you more! In the UK we have same sex legal partnerships - marriage by another name. Yet this pretence that it isn't a "marriage" was essential to guarantee that it would become law.

Amber Star said...

Love your quote...and it is truly yours. There is your Valentine post about love and it is a good one.

I was all tired and stuff when I was getting my RT ready and got confused and mixed the two things. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Katherine for participating in my Valentine's Day Love Contest! And for your wonderful post on gay marriage! Your points are so well taken. While I have awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes already, I want to send you an award too, for your entry and your thoughtful post. So send me your home address by e-mail (if you want to) and I'll send you 5 hand-made bookmarks by me. Go to my blog to see them. Thanks so much for participating. :)

Kilauea Poetry said...

This is where you intended I arrive for Ruby Tuesday's Valentine prompt.. it looks controversial so I naturally assumed you wanted to spice things up? I write and blog all sorts of things too but generally not on my poetry site but that's just me. I wrote a piece that happens to differ from this but I'm sure your the type who's equally as open and accepting of the opinions of others...even if you don't agree?
I learned long ago that nobody owns the corner on the block when it comes to pain, suffering or discrimination in it's various forms. I also gave up any chance of winning a popularity contest and I do believe that most often when it comes to relating..most people don't have that part down...they are a lot like how I'd been - reactionary? I'm getting better though. Having said that, I'll direct you to a blog I wrote. Hopefully everything will be just as fuzzy betweent us?

Raven said...

Hi Regina Marie - Actually, I posted this at the very end of the day on Ruby Tuesday because I opened my email and found this video and thought it was worth sharing. I seldom post just to be controversial, though I do have strong opinions and share them even when I know there will be those who don't agree.

I don't hold other people's beliefs against them (well, I try not to). I'll pop over and see what you have to say. Thanks for commenting.

Dianne said...

I love your quote! Mary is so right to include it as an award winner!! it's beautiful and speaks to the heart of what is important

I love that video - I've seen it in many places

Kudos Raven

Akelamalu said...

If two people love each other they should be able to marry, regardless of their gender.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I would bet your state of New York would legalize same sex marriage before Idaho.
Any how marriage are for grown ups not for people who still behave childish.

Coffee is on.

Carletta said...

Beautiful post Raven!
I think the last part of your beautiful quote says it best - one cannot love wrong!