I believe that peace is possible, that war and violence are the will of a very small minority to whom we have given too much power. I believe that more people in this world want peace than want war, that our true human instinct is towards peace. We have to be tricked into war. No matter what some may tell us, war is not our nature. Peace is.
It is past time to speak out. We need to vote. We need to nag and pester and insist that our lawmakers govern according to our wants and values and not according to bogus polls or political expediency. We need to stop listening to the voices of fear and hate and listen to the voices of reason and compassion. We need to stop seeing enemies and start seeing fellow beings. We need to meet anger with kindness, to offer a different mirror in which those who would hate to can see themselves. There's a Hawaiian saying that goes "energy flows where attention goes." In other words, we draw to us, what we focus on. If we focus on fear and hate, we draw fear and hate into our lives. If we focus on peace, likewise, we draw that to ourselves. I've said it before here, but it's worth repeating. There is more power in being FOR something than against something. Almost every esoteric philosophy teaches this in one way or another. Neither our minds nor the universe read the word "not." They react to where our attention is. If it is on war, the universe offers up more war. If our attention is on peace, the universe offers up peace. Let's be FOR peace.
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I just checked your link out and I'm in.
I'll go check it out!
Beautiful post Raven - as usual :)
you'd make a great speech writer.
This is a moving and powerful post. I'm so glad you joined us today.
Thank you for blogging for peace today. I hope and pray that we made a difference in our world and will continue to do so.
Peace - and positive intention - to you and yours,
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