Skittles Heads or Tails Tuesday prompt this week was "Mother." I'm going to keep this short and bitter sweet this morning. I'm not feeling well at all, so I will probably be late visiting others. Heading back to bed covered in Vicks in hopes that sleep will help fix me.
aching with love
my outstretched arms
remember catching
only your pain
aching with love
my outstretched arms
remember catching
only your pain
- Katherine E. Rabenau
If you're afflicted with summer flu
feeling down and definitely blue
Unable to think, much less to do
Remmeber your buddies are thinking of you
Get better Katherine,
Sorry you’re not feeling well today and hope you recover quickly. Lovely cinquain! I shared memories of my mom at Small Reflections this morning.
Hugs and blessings,
I hope you get to feeling better soon!
richard - thanks for the poem and the thought. I'm slept for two hours and feel a bit better, but still sick enough that I may take a second nap this afternoon.
storyteller - I'll pop by shortly
natalie - thanks for the good wishes.
That poem resonates with me. Thank you for sharing.
Hope you're feelin' better soon! :)
Outstanding poem. Hope you feel better fast!!!!!
Sorry to hear you're not well. :(
Love the poem :)
Richard's comment was so lovely :)
He's good at that isn't he!?
I'm sorry you're feeling bad - the Di/Mi/Si trio send many hugs. Rest.
Your poem resonated with me too.
I did the Get to Know You thingie. So if you need to be lulled back into a deep sleep come over and read all about me.
Sorry to hear you are feeling so lousy. I'll be thinking of you and hoping you feel better very soon.
Golly, I hope you're up and back to your kitties' lovin' in no time!!
Thanks for stopping by today. I'm late visiting everyone since I've had a busy day. But, I just can't NOT stop by to those who come by and say 'hi' to me! Hope your afternoon/evening is a peaceful one.
Wow, that's a beautiful poem. I hope you are feeling better soon! There is lots of sick going around.
Excellent poem! Get well soon! :)
Lovely poem. short but says it all...
I hope you're feeling better FAST. Take care.
Thanks for stopping by :-)
What a nice sentiment to share!
I hope you are feeling better soon.
That is short and bitter sweet. Glad you shared it.
ah hope you feel better soon :)
That was a lovely poem.
Thanks for stopping by my place today
sad to know that you're feeling under the weather.
that's a great poem.
c",) Morning Sniffles
Thank you everyone for the good wishes. I'm not feeling good yet, but I'm definitely feeling better.
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