The middle picture is a rock I painted when I spent a few days in a retreat center in the desert in the middle of nowhere in Arizona (long story). I messed with the background (not very well) because it's currently hung on my wall, held up by nails and the white looked even yuckier than the tan I changed it to.
The bear in picture three has a bluish cast in some lights, but not doesn't really look blue in this photo. The rock is sodalite.

I'm borrowing Robert's idea of putting links to my other Project Blue posts, so here they are:
Love your bear and really like the sodalite.. I have a a heart shaped sodalite pendant :)
I've known of several meal deliverers, but not Schwans. Given the look of your breakfast yesterday, I'll have to remember them!
Schwans is GREAT -- we first learned of them 21 years ago - when we moved into our then "new" home! They've grown a lot since then!
I like your bear and your piece of art reminds me of Aboriginal art in it's feel and themes. All great takes on project blue!
Thanks for the visit to my blog. To answer your query; belly dancing was not practised in Britain during Mediaeval times as you rightly stated, but it was practised in the East at that time :) The event was a small affair put on by a couple of local re-enactmnet groups for charity and the belly dancers appeared as 'guests'.
WOW!! I just LOOOVE the rock you painted!!!
More fun with blue. Have a great week!
Schwan's! Yum! I like the mural painted on the rock, too. Are the bear and the agate ball attached? IS the agate ball supposed to be the world? IF so, that crack is very symbolic ....
You've got lots of blue variety here.
That bacon box fascinates me....I'm guessing any bacon that comes in a box like that must be extra fabulous! I've never seen Schwan's around here...
Gina - Sodalite has such wonderful "inner art." I love all rocks, but it's among my favorites.
June - do check out Schwan's. Their food is excellent. I'm homebound, so they are life-savers for me. They come every two weeks (at least in my neck of the wilderness). If you order on-line, there's a 5% discount (at least at the moment).
Melli - I was amazed to discover that Schwan's came to the middle of nowhere. Apparently there are a couple of hundred customers here in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps because our one grocery store is awful and overpriced both.
Bob-kat - thanks. I had such a good time painting that and a few other rocks. My friend and I sat in this wonderful round "breakfast" room for a whole morning. It's a very nice memory for me. Thanks for the answer about the belly dancers.
Sailor Girl - thanks. I had such fun painting it. I'm not very artistic but painting on rocks seemed to free my creative spirit a bit.
ellen b - thanks for visiting. Hope you have a great week too!
quilly - The bear and the ball are separate entities. The ball is sodalite, not agate. It does have an "earth" quality to it, doesn't it? I actually took some photos of it with a little globe I have, but decided I liked it better with the bear. I may post the others too.
sara - almost missed you. It's not actually bacon. It's a kind of round bread thing with egg and cheese and tiny tiny little bits of bacon. Pretty tasty, though.
Great photos in this post Raven - love the solidate ball.
Your painted rock takes me back to childhood and 4-H camp!
I was reading my local town paper just a couple of weeks ago and do you know that here they actually inspect the Schwan's trucks and list any health violations - I was amazed - It never crossed my mind that should be done.
Love your painted rock and the bear plus rock, great choices for blue! thanks for your words on my pic, they made me happy :)
I like the painted rock!
Ooh, I like that bear and glass ball. It reminds me a little of my brother's big stone in which he has etched the outline of a grizzly bear. This is very cool. Thanks for the Blue tip, Raven.
I love rocks and your painted rock is beautiful. I especially like the purple with the blue swirl in it.
I love the variety. That just means we get even more tomorrow! I can tell you're having fun with this too. Keep up the great work. Oh, and to give credit where credit is due, I got the idea of listing all my posts from Robin@Pensieve. But thanks for the mention. :)
We have a Schwan's truck that comes through our neighborhood but I've never ordered. Someday.
I love the rock you painted.
Schwann's is great. I was a regular customer while my husband was alive. I don't order much from them any more.
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