Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mother Nature Got Cranky

Wasn't feeling well and decided to take a nap this afternoon. Not long into it, Tara Grace started fussing and crying in a way that was out of character. She usually loves naps. Eventually - since I wasn't getting any rest anyway - I got up and a few minutes later a massive storm came through. The rain was coming down so hard you could barely see through it. Then I heard a funny noise in the back yard. When I went to look I saw that one of my big trees had its second hit this year - a major one this time. I hope what's left will survive.

I was surprised to discover these roses yesterday. They seem to have survived the storm...


Jeff B said...

Wow, that's a little too close for comfort! Anybody out there building an ark?

Dianne said...

that is scary Raven

I hope tonight is calmer.

Kimmie said...

Oh my goodness Raven! That tree really got hit! I hope everything is okay. If you ever want to chat, my main email is:

I have had bouts of agoraphobia in the past few years myself, and no one understands how hard it is. I really felt for you when I read that b/c I know how awful it feels. Just want you to knoe I am here if you should need a friend.

Raven said...

jeff b - it was a bit close for comfort, but luckily it didn't hit anybody or knock the house down, so I guess on the whole, I'm pretty fortunate.

dianne - it is peaceful now. It rumbled for a bit after the big storm passed but.... my kind neighbor who mows my lawn came over to check things out. They had smaller things come down. He'll clear it away for me, I guess. I sat and reiki-ed the tree for a while. Made me feel better. The up side of it is that the bunnies cane in closer photo range and I may bet some nicer bird pictures if I'm lucky. We'll see. Cardinal came in the back yard to check it out. Didn't get a good picture, though.

Kimmie - thank you so much for your kind words and concern. I'm doing ok really. I was a little shaky at first, not because I was scared for myself - I really didn't feel scared that way - I just feel very bad for my tree. I love my trees. Hope you are having a good day/evening.

Carletta said...

What a storm! Animals have that special sense sometimes.

With all that was bad, the roses really are a little delight to see.

Robert said...

Wow, that was quite the storm. You captured it with images and words very nicely. I also wanted to thank you for your kind response to my long winded comment the other day. It's nice that two from complete opposite political ideas can be so respectful of one another. I'm glad you're still happy to have me visit here. As I always look forward to your visits. :)

Akelamalu said...

Crikey that was some storm! The weather forecast for next week here isn't too good - rain, wind, rain, wind.....

Quiet Paths said...

Oh my gosh, your poor tree. It looks like a pine? I'm so glad your house is OK. And you.