Sunday, December 07, 2008

Nothing Much

Don't have anything much to say today and the doodles prompt from OSI has left me doodle-less and idealess, so... here is a little video of our president-elect and some pictures. Anybody who is really bored can read my serial short story which starts here.

Guess I do have one thing to say. My friend Ellie Sarty is a really gifted singer/songwriter. She just released a new album called Constant as the Sun. Her first album - Top of the Food Chain - is available at You can hear clips there and the separate songs can be downloaded for MP3. A couple of her songs were featured in a Documentary called Peaceable Kingdom along with songs by Moby and others. Everything Ellie does is geared towards animal rescue and education about humane living and the procedes from both of her albums go towards that end. Great holiday gift.... I wish I had access to a good graphic of her new CD's cover. My friend Rosalie did it and it's beautiful.

Shannon Dermody took this picture of Tara Grace

I took this one of Angel pretending not to be chewing the tree.

Have a great day!


Melli said...

Son of a gun! BOTH of your cats look just like mine! My Kitty is the Russian Blue - and my Freedom is a pastel calico! LOL! They're adorable! And I'm sure as bad as mine!

gabrielle said...

"I took this one of Angel pretending not to be chewing the tree."

I've seen that expression somewhere!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I do love the first photograph and the last one too. The kitty's expression is priceless ... seriously!
Hugs and blessings,

peppylady (Dora) said...

You did something shared some picture for all of to joy.

Coffee is on.

Carletta said...

Your kitties look so innocent to me. :)
I went to the link and I have to say Ms. Ellie has a beautiful voice!

Dr.John said...

Your nothing much turned out to be a lot. I liked the cat pictures.

Quiet Paths said...

Beautiful tree and Christmas photos! I think Deb in ON called it tree tracery. That sure is an example. Today I found out from a quiz that I have an 83% chance of being taken out by our cats. So be careful of naughty looks from yours such as this....

Raven said...

Melli - I know - I think I mentioned that a couple of times at your blog. My cats are both very small. Tara is tiny - only 5 pounds. Angel is small but stocky.

gabrielle - Angel is a true actress... guess all kitties are... the "who me?" face. Hah!

happily retired gal - (as I said to gabrielle) Angel is all ham and a perfect blend of incredibly naughty and super sweet.

peppy lady - glad you enjoyed your visit. I'll be by later.

Carletta - looks can be deceiving. Of course Angel THINKS she's innocent. She doesn't get my rules at all. Tara is pretty much innocent, except for her dedication to attempting mind control. She sits on my mouse and stares at me and grumbles.

Dr. John - thanks.

Quiet Paths - I took that test but they balked at giving me the result. Perhaps this means we scored 100%. I don't think the girls are out to kill me so much as drive me insane. Not that long a trip to begin with, so they have a good shot at it.

Raven said...

Oh - I forgot to say thank you, Carletta - for checking out Ellie's music. She's a special human being and I think her music and voice are special and unique.