Sunday, August 31, 2008

One Single Impression: Spectacle

This week's prompt for One Single Impression was "spectacle." I thought this was the prompt three weeks ago, so I've had these waiting to post. (If you have trouble reading any of these, you can click on them to see a larger verison.)

Not spectacular
But already completed
Easy week for me


Anonymous said...

The first image still leaves me heartbroken. Your Tanka is quite moving, in verse and image.

All are wonderful Raven! That sunrise is... spectacular! Thanks for these.

Anonymous said...

.brutal killings to please Whom_taking away life that one did not create,cannot return_
does it bring glory to His name_what is the religion of a "magical sunrise"-is it not Love _
-isn't a crime against humanity a crime against God~many thanks for the poems that lead to these questions..

Edward S Gault said...

Excellent Photography(breathtaking Sunrise!)and Poetry! Thank you for sharing these.

kouji said...

i especially like the sunrise image. lovely. :) and lovely lines.

Mandy said...

Three different takes on the subject well presented.

Anonymous said...

I had one ready too. Good poems on all three subjects.

I never thought of glasses, but we did think alike on the sunrises!

Dianne said...

3 very different views and each one spectacular!

Anonymous said...

I love them all (of course!) but I really appreciate the humor in the spectacles! And the reflections in the photo of the water.

SandyCarlson said...

Your poems go straight to my heart this week, Raven. These are provocative, compelling. Thanks.

me ann my camera said...

These are all wonderful, all with a different tone. I thought this was a difficult prompt this week, yours made it look easy. Well done.

Anonymous said...

With humor and deep pathos you have covered the entire human condition with such an economy of words! And perfect images for each, too.

anthonynorth said...

Every one very different, but equally excellent.

Geraldine said...

Well done Raven. These are all spectacular. Photos perfect, words evocative.

Great use of the prompt.

Jim said...

Beautiful, all of them! I like God's Magical Sunrise the best. Thank you.
I didn't do one this week (I will put a link on if I do) to save you a trip, all you would have would be my Skywatch Friday.

JP/deb said...

3 very interesting takes on spectacle - good job! JP/deb

Carletta said...

As I looked at your first one I realized the seventh anniversary of that day is next week - still seems like yesterday -"let us remember our strength" - that is so true.
I had to smile at the glasses. I had surgery to correct my eyes about three years ago. I HATED wearing glasses.
The last one is awesome!

susan said...

I'm new to OSI and your blog. Thanks for the prompt.

SMM said...

Raven I tagged you. I hope you don't think it is too presumptuous. Please do it whenever you get the time. Details are on my latest post

gautami tripathy said...

Your various takes always impress me. I always look forwrd to visit you...

I catch words haphazardly

spacedlaw said...

That is a great poetry harvest! And I particularly like the picture of the glasses.

Anonymous said...

Each one is just wonderful! I really related to the glasses.

Tumblewords: said...

Nice work!

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Wow, I am impressed with your verse and images. All these different takes on the prompt are a treat to read.
Very well done............


Anonymous said...

Dear Raven,
It is alway so nice to come here and see how you work to see things from different angles.

Patois42 said...

I love the whimsy of your opening poem, "easy week for me." I still can't process the events you speak of in the second. My favorite is your last one. Lovely photo as well.

DeLi said...

the third picture is so magical. and made me remember how beautiful nature and life can be......

qualcosa di bello said... does conquer all! & that sunset...nature's glorious spectacle for sure. thank you for sharing these

Annie Jeffries said...

I'm so grateful for my glasses. The world would be a poorer for me place without them.