Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daily Reminder # 449

Well, it's another beautiful day here. Mr. Powell from Delaware Opportunities came by and had me sign some papers. He is a casualty of the economy. They didn't get enough funding from the state to pay his salary. The contractor came shortly after and finished up all the stuff he didn't do right the first time. Also managed to let a wasp into the house but after "running" into the other room to hide for a few minutes, I screwed my courage to the sticking place and managed to ease it back into the great out doors. In Native American tradition wasps are about female power, so I think it's kind of funny that he let one in. I have been pretty unhappy about what he did to my little house which never did anything to him. I learned about the female power thing because when I first moved back east, the  apartment I lived in in Lake Huntington had a wasps nest in the kitchen ceiling. The deranged landlord (drug addict) mocked me for being afraid. I was kind of delighted to hear that after I moved out he went up there and was greeted by about 50 wasps. I'm not vengeful by nature, but it served him right. He was dangerously crazy and mean to boot. After 33 years of living in a NYC apartment with a corporate landlord, I was not prepared for the different world of upstate New York where renters have no protection at all beyond a rule that says your landlord can't let you freeze to death in winter. Beyond that, there are few leases up here and tenants live month to month. A landlord can raise your rent on a whim and kick you out on a whim for no reason other than that he/she feels like it. This makes it extra hard to get things tended to when they are broken or in need of repair. Someone I know up here lives in a trailer with her 85 year old father. He has emphysema. The trailer has leaks and now has mold (probably, from her description, black mold).  On my advice she has called the Health Department. They told her to talk to the town. The town says it's not their problem. They all say it's the landlord's responsibility, but nobody is responsible for making the landlord fulfill that responsibility. It's crazy, particularly because black mold is so toxic.  M is looking for a new place but having trouble finding one. This kind of thing makes me angry. Most people renting up here are not rich. And being forced to move over and over - besides being physically and emotionally taxing - is expensive. I really think the laws have to be changed but I don't have much hope of that happening. Meanwhile, I'm so profoundly grateful that I now have a home that is my very own (well, mine and the bank's). That's my rambling rant for today. Here are the birds from the day before yesterday and my gratitude list.

There seems to be an epidemic of mites or mange? among
the blue jays and Brewer's black birds. I wonder if they
have the same reaction to baldness that humans do, if they
feel the loss of head feathers emotionally or just physically.

Some things I'm grateful for today: (Items in red are par-gratitude. They are supposed to inspire the Creative Forces of the Universe to help me manifest that which I desire. I am apparently doing it wrong. Or maybe I'm just impatient. Or maybe both. I do believe that when we truly believe we can create something, it is a powerful thing. I struggle with doubt and the belief that I don't really deserve what I want. I wish I could change that in myself. I'm going to keep doing my list, though.)

  • Angel and Tara Grace
  • a home of my own
  • Delaware Opportunities
  • Jeff Powell
  • beautiful weather
  • my camera
  • rechargeable batteries
  • my back yard
  • birds and critters
  • my computer
  • the internet
  • email
  • google
  • YouTube
  • AIM
  • computer games
  • my TV
  • the remote control
  • the mute button
  • fans
  • electricity
  • my Tibetan salt lamps
  • granola bars
  • coffee and International Delight
  • coconut oil
  • reiki
  • angels
  • miracles
  • healing
  • that the Delaware Opp. work is complete
  • a clothes dryer
  • blinds for the front window
  • new curtains
  • freshly painted living and bedroom walls
  • a ceiling fan in the bedroom
  • $5,000/week for life from PCH
  • winning lottery numbers
  • a truckload of money (big bills)
  • Nintendo
  • paid off mortgage
  • zero balance on my credit cards
  • a sun room on the back of the house
  • more flowers in the back yard
  • a reading and a healing from my friend Nancy
  • seeing the red list turn to black
  • my nieces, my nephew and their families
  • that they are happy and successful
  • my friends
  • my neighbors
  • Netflix
  • sight
  • taste
  • smell
  • hearing
  • touch
  • the colors of the rainbow
  • music
  • Pandora radio
  • ear phones
  • the joy of singing
  • the capacity for speech
  • creativity
  • poetry
  • words
  • ideas
  • the ability to read and write
  • the ability to type
  • the capacity for change
  • imagination
  • inspiration
  • my rock collection
  • my chair/walker
  • my cane
  • that my legs still wobble me around with help
  • determination
  • resilience
  • Advil
  • fans
  • indoor plumbing
  • my kitchen
  • my microwave
  • Sam-e
  • Omega-3
  • vitamin D-3
  • IP-6
  • the smell of white sage
  • sales
  • kitty hugs
  • purrs
  • beauty
  • the miracle of the human body
  • the miracle of life it self
  • trees
  • humor
  • laughter
  • compassion
  • love
  • life

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Daily Reminder # 448

Well, it is another exquisitely beautiful post hurricane day. I feel kind of like I'm reaping the post hurricane blessings without having suffered any of the actual damage. We were lucky here, though there was flooding and loss of power not far from here. It's wonderfully cool and the air is clean and the sun is out. I hadn't realized quite how sunless this summer has been until I was at the back door yesterday. What a difference sunshine makes. Construction people will be here this afternoon, so I'm dividing yesterday's pictures into chipmunks & bunnies and birds. Today is chipmunk and bunny.... and a Neale Donald Walsh that I should read once a day since I am an extremely skilled  ( gifted even -if there were a Worry Olympics I could be in contention for a medal) worrier, having been trained in what I call The Basic Worry System since birth. Actually, reading it over, I think I might have posted it before, but I guess it can't be said often enough, so I'm going to leave it as is.

On this day of your life, dear friend, 
I believe God wants you to know... 
...that it is well to avoid the tendency to catastrophize.

Stop worrying about all that could occur tomorrow.
You are getting agitated about things that haven't
happened yet...and may never happen. 

Stay here, right here, in this moment. What is going on
right now...what is occurring right here...? That is all
that matters. That is where your life is being lived.

Love, Your Friend.... 

Some things I'm Grateful for Today: (Items in red are pre-gratitude, an effort to cajole, persuade, encourage, charm and in some way induce the Creative Forces of the Universe to help me manifest riches and useful household items.)

  • Angel and Tara Grace
  • clear skies
  • breezes
  • my house
  • my back yard
  • my kitchen
  • my bathroom
  • indoor plumbing
  • my mattress
  • sleep
  • coffee
  • granola bars
  • electricity
  • my camera
  • my computer
  • the internet
  • my TV
  • the remote control
  • the mute button
  • computer games
  • email
  • google
  • the telephone
  • my friends
  • my neighbors
  • my nieces, my nephew and their families
  • that they are happy and successful 
  • ebates
  • YouTube
  • Delaware Opportunities
  • Netflix
  • coconut oil
  • a clothes dryer
  • Nintendo
  • freshly painted living and bedroom walls
  • a ceiling fan in the bedroom
  • a truckload of money (big bills)
  • more flowers in the back yard
  • winning lottery numbers
  • new curtains
  • blinds for the front window
  • $5,000/week for life from PCH
  • paid off mortgage
  • zero balance on my credit cards
  • a sun room on the back of the house
  • seeing the red list turn to black
  • reiki
  • angels
  • miracles
  • music
  • Pandora radio
  • the joy of singing
  • hearing
  • sight
  • taste
  • touch
  • smell
  • the aroma of white sge
  • the softness of Angel/Tara Grace fur
  • the sound of purring
  • my Tibetan salt lamps
  • Sam-e
  • Omega-3
  • IP-6
  • Vitamin D-3
  • Delaware Opportunities
  • my rock collection
  • beauty
  • the colors of the rainbow
  • ideas
  • inspiration
  • imagination
  • my chair/walker
  • my cane
  • that my legs still get me around with help
  • Advil
  • resilience
  • determination
  • AIM
  • birds on my back porch
  • chipmunks
  • the wonders of the Universe
  • stars
  • the moon
  • the sun
  • Nature
  • Mother Earth (even though she has been very cranky lately)
  • love
  • laughter
  • life

Monday, August 29, 2011

Daily Reminderish #447

Alas, my brain has been in the weeds, I guess and nobody reminded me to do the reminder today. I got into a lovely AIM chat with my niece Cindy and then I got a phone call from Delaware Opportunities and then I forgot. It's beautiful here today. Just spent some time at the back door and will go back for more later.  It's late so I'm taking the lazy way out and skipping gratitude and anything more thoughtful than reminding everyone that I forgot the reminder. Sigh.

(For some reason the computer won't center this.... So it goes.)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Daily Reminder # 446

Bird watching is boring...  Do we have to?
Well, I slept REALLY late but woke up pretty rested and to the good news that Irene has been downgraded to a tropical storm and that New York came through it all with some flooding, but generally unharmed. My friend in Cape May is safe with a friend and so far all seems pretty good.  I didn't feed the birds yesterday and I think I won't today. Originally I had planned to do extra but I think I'll see how the wind blows.... literally.  Horrible as these storms are, they do leave the air feeling clean and alive in some way. That's it. On to gratitude.

Is that the chipmunk? I like the chipmunk... no.... sigh.

Some things I'm grateful for today: (Items in red are pre-gratitude, an attempt to persuade the Universe, with all it's creative capacity, to respond to my gratitude by manifesting that which I have thanked it for. )

  • Angel and Tara Grace
  • my little house
  • the downgrading of Hurricane Irene
  • the amazing preparation by government for the storm
  • that my friends are safe
  • water
  • electricity
  • my Tibetan salt lamps
  • my TV
  • the remote
  • the mute button
  • computer games (especially when I'm anxious)
  • my camera
  • my back door
  • my back yard
  • the wonders of nature
  • the colors of the rainbow
  • my rock collection
  • my chair/walker
  • my cane
  • that my legs still get me around with help
  • my mattress
  • a good night's sleep
  • Sam-e
  • Omega-3
  • IP-6
  • Vitamin D-3
  • music
  • ear phones
  • Pandora radio
  • the joy of singing
  • a clothes dryer
  • more flowers in my back yard
  • a sun room on the back of the house
  • freshly painted living and bedroom walls
  • a ceiling fan in the bedroom
  • Nintendo
  • the return of Katgo and Cedarific to online stores
  • a truckload of money
  • winning lottery numbers
  • $5,000/week for life from PCH
  • a paid off mortgage
  • zero balance on my credit cards
  • new curtains
  • blinds for the front window
  • seeing the red list turn to black
  • reiki
  • angels
  • miracles
  • my nieces, my nephew and their families
  • that they are safe and healthy and happy
  • my friends
  • my neighbors
  • less storm than feared
  • granola bars
  • peanut butter
  • fans
  • indoor plumbing
  • my refrigerator
  • my microwave
  • my kitchen
  • coconut oil
  • Nintendo
  • AIM
  • Google
  • YouTube
  • the internet
  • words
  • poetry
  • wordzzles
  • creativity
  • inspiration
  • imagination
  • the ability to read and write
  • the ability to type
  • the capacity for change
  • email
  • Greater and
  • humor
  • resilience
  • determination
  • hope
  • love
  • life


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Daily Reminder # 445

I'm too caught up in thinking about hurricanes and whether I'm really prepared (what can I do, really?) I've bottled extra water, I have candles and matches and food. As far as I know, we are due to get heavy rain and winds as high as 60 or 60 plus mph. Could be worse, I guess. My friends in Deposit probably have to worry about flooding. I'm on the top of a hill, so I should be ok. There's always the chance of losing electric, but I guess I'll live in any case. I worry about my friends in New York and Cape May. I'm glad my therapist chose this moment in natural disaster time to take his son to Europe. (His son is spending a year in Amsterdam. How cool is that!) Anyway, I'm just going to do gratitude and pictures. The pigeon gang has moved into town.  They really come in like a kind of feathered mafia, though I suppose they are no greedier than the sparrows. It's just that they are so BIG. When they are on the porch the sparrows hover at the edges hoping to maybe get an occasional seed or two.

Some things I'm grateful for today: (Items in red are pre-gratitude, an attempt to inspire generosity in the hearts of the Creative Forces of the Universe so that they will rain (figuratively) clothes dryers and big checks and piles of cash down upon me.)

  • Angel and Tara Grace
  • granola bars
  • water
  • electricity
  • fans
  • my windows
  • my house
  • my back yard
  • my back door
  • the birds and critters
  • my camera
  • my computer
  • the internet
  • email
  • computer games
  • my TV
  • the remote control
  • the mute button
  • Sam-e
  • Omega-3
  • IP-6
  • Vitamin D-3
  • purring kitties
  • google
  • YouTube
  • AIM
  • the telephone
  • peanut butter
  • paper towels
  • coconut oil
  • a clothes dryer
  • winning lottery numbers
  • freshly painted living and dining rooms
  • a sun room on the back of the house
  • $5,000/week for life from PCH
  • Nintendo
  • more flowers in the back yard
  • new curtains
  • blinds for the front window
  • a ceiling fan in the bedroom
  • a truckload of money (big bills)
  • zero balance on my credit cards
  • paid off mortgage
  • seeing the red list turn to black
  • reiki
  • angels
  • miracles
  • touch
  • smell
  • sight
  • hearing
  • taste
  • music
  • Pandora radio
  • the joy of singing
  • food
  • my cane
  • my chair/walker
  • that my legs still get me around with help
  • the ability to read and write
  • the ability to type
  • the capacity for change
  • thinking
  • my Tibetan salt lamps
  • my rock collection
  • beauty
  • my friends
  • my nieces, my nephew and their families
  • that they are happy and successful
  • ideas
  • inspiration
  • imagination
  • words
  • poetry
  • wordzzles
  • humor
  • laughter
  • love
  • life