I'm not feeling too well this morning so I may post this and go back to bed for a bit and then visit everyone later in the day. Looking forward to checking in on everyone, though.
My kitchen timer (matches my new red pots and pans)....

Neighbor's chimney.
My mouse....
Yesterday morning, looking out the back door in search of some signs of Spring, I spotted instead this Coca Cola truck. Since I lost my big tree last year, I can see this big motel or golf club or some such place. When the trees fill in it will be mostly hidden again until the leaves fall again. But yesterday the view offered a big red truck so...
Prayer flags...
Then, last week I visited Trav's Thoughts, where he had posted his Superhero and a link to the Hero Factory so you could create your own. This is my super hero(ine). I think she's kind of cool except I don't know why they added the Baroness part. Such is life. She doesn't have much read, but here name is in red and this seemd as good a way as any to share her.

Last but not least, Shannon was visiting yesterday. Webkins has been replaced - or at least is in competition with - something called Club Penguin. This was a dance competition.
Have a lovely Tuesday!!
LOL! I LOVE that timer! That is really cute! But Raven... I do wonder... if you struggle to come up with "red"... why do you spend them all in one post? You could have had several weeks worth of rubies out of this!
Aye, spread the red around :)
I love the timer too... and I have red plates and bowls and cups but sadly my pots and pans are black.
Also love the little guy at the end, adorable!
Great bunch of reds. And I'm a Coke-not-Pepsi person myself, so that was a very good choice. And that timer is adorable. I'd time everything if I had one like it!! Hope you feel better after your snooze!
I too love the timer!! looks like a rooster ;)
and I love your super hero
Reds are awesome! I also like the timer.
I hope you feel better, Walking Wizard.
Oh well done and I love your kitchen timer m'dear. Sorry to hear you're not feeling 100% I'll remember you when I'm sending Reiki. xx
I love your little red hen timer! Some days I miss Ruby Tuesday and other days I am glad for the time off. Today I am down. I haven't been feeling well all week, but I need to go to work, so I better get my bum out of this chair ....
I love the eggtimer also. I see you on it's side with your camera. And I have the exacly same mouse. Happy RT!
I must say all the pics are great. I especially love the penguin. Your super heroine is great too, I'll have to remember that the next time I visit you Walking Wizard. Sorry to hear your not feeling well I'll send reiki.
Much Love, Dan
Great photos for Ruby Tuesday :)
Ruby Tuesday!... nice idea!.. how about a freaky friday!?.. lol.. cheers for sharing, all the best!
Hi Nessa. Fabulous 'Ruby Tuesday' posting. I miss doing RT, and just have too many things happening to be able to do all the memes I so enjoy.
Raven... it just dawned on my I called you Nessa, so I came back to apologize for that. Guess it's maybe time I go to bed and get some sleep, lol.
I hope you feel better, Walking Wizard.
Me too
Thankyou. :)
I like the pictures with your mouse is big and I wanted a mouse like that for a while now, I have an old Dell mouse.
Greetings from Kansas!
All the red pictures are just great.
Your Super Heroine is the counterpart to my Super Hero.
Great super hero! I hope you feel better soon!
That's the cutest timer ever!!
I would love to see you honey!
Raven became my favorite on reading Poe. Your blog is thought provoking. congrats. nosle.com todd
Your obsession with red is like my obsession with anime and the Sims. I hope you get to collect some more red things :)
That rooster cracks me up. My mother has a lot of roosters in her kitchen. I don't understand the parallel but hey it works!
Not sure why I missed this. :(
I love the rooster timer - that is so cute.
You've found great reds to share!
I'm a Pepsi girl myself but the Coke truck is a super find.
I've been meaning to go to that Hero Factory site ever since Dr. John did his but I haven't got there yet.
Your Robin - now you know Spring is there!
Love all your red photos but my fav is the timer ... very kewl ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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