I was thinking I had nothing to write about today and then I remembered that today my friend Dennis Puffett's 85th birthday so I thought I'd remind everyone of his presence in the world and in cyberspace. Actually, I think it's his birthday here but he has probably already had his birthday on the other side of the world. Still, I hope some of you will give both yourselves and him the gift of a visit to his website.
About a month ago Dennis sent me this email:
Dear Katherine,
The Our Instant Help Page has gained a few enthusiastic supporters but too few to be significant. This is simply because it is not known. If it were commercial with paid advertising it would have swept across the world by now. But I am not in a position to do this. I have written the little dit under this to try and ease it along.
At TheCentre for New Era Healing.
On The Right Track
Our Instant Help
By Dennis F Puffett
If you love life
To keep as long as you can
Then include this page
Within your plan.
The nature of things
We see each day
A beautiful blossom
Children at play.
Pleasant to the ear
Wavelets washing onto a beach
Natural stuff within our reach.
The wondrous power
Of all that is
Yours to receive
And also to give.
Pass this page
To one or another
Father, sister
Mother, brother.
Help and heal
With love from the heart
You too
Can be a part.
Know the joy
That helping doth bring
By passing on
This eternal spring.
For the spring to become a flood
We have to get the message out
And so we begin
With this little shout.
The Natural World
In all its glory
And we are a part of
The wondrous story.
To share Our Healing Love
We need your help
To give the page
A loving shove.
When the love comes back
As it always does
You will know
That you, are on the right track.
Rather than repeat myself here about how wonderful I think Mr. Puffett is, I'll let you read other things I've said about him in the past.... and hopefully you'll pop over and give him the gift of a visit for his birthday!
I, too, think he's wonderful. When Devon was struggling with depression, I sent him a note and he sent healing. Devon's much better now and I'm sure Mr. Puffet had something to do with that! ;)
Happy Birthday, Mr. Puffet!
Happy Birthday Mr. Puffet
If Raven speaks highly of you then it surely is well deserved.
Thanks Raven!!
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