This is week 74 of the Saturday Wordzzle challenge. Anyone new to the process can refer back here to find out how it works. Thanks again to Carol Pfeiffer (ProArtz) for this week's and next week's words. I have enjoyed the break from coming up with them myself.
The words for this week's ten word challenge were: fair warning, hormones, journalism, philanthropist, burgeoning, running the bulls, saturation, tossed in the towel, whine, indelicate details And for the mini: hard labor, lurid, quick fix, sizable contributions, trumpet
This week's 10-word:
Despite having been given fair warning about the dangers involved in running the bulls, philanthropist George Singlebottom decided to take a break from the burgeoning demands of his daily life and give his excitement deprived macho side (his hormones were raging) a rare chance for exercise. Had he known what was to come he would have quickly tossed in the towel and averted the current catastrophe. He felt embarrassed by his folly, but what bothered him most and made him want to whine like a child was not the pain he was experiencing (bad as it was), but the the saturation coverage - this was journalism? - expounding at length on the most indelicate details of his unfortunate trip and the subsequent encounter with a large bull's horns. There was one positive to it all, though. The beautiful nurse who had tended to him go gently had agreed to marry him. On the whole, he guessed, a little humiliation wasn't such a bad trade-off for that kind of happiness.
The mini:
Max Milikin had been about trumpet to the world that he had avoided not only hard labor but a sizeable contrubution to the local plumber with his clever quick fix when his wife's horrified screams had brought him face to face with a scene of such gross and lurid horror that he knew instantly that not only was his bank account about to see a substantial loss but that perhaps this particular quick fix might just be more than even his good-hearted and devoted wife would be able to forgive. "Maybe I should call a plumber," he mumbled. "Ya think?" she replied rather harshly for someone usually rather sweet. "While you're at it, you had better think of something REALLY, REALLY good to atone for this catastrophe." "Yes dear," he replied. "You know I love you, don't you? I really thought it would work..."
The maxi:
Her hormones gave Maria Shaw fair warming every time Max Montgomery entered the room, that her burgeoning infatuation was not going to go away easily. I mean, there ought to be a law against a man like this, she whined to herself. He was handsome and charming, committed to his career in journalism. Bent on adventure - most recently he had participated in the running of the bulls, an event which repelled her though at the same time his description, a mix of macho participant and compassionat observer had endeared him to her even more. If she could forgive him that, she might as well throw in the towel and just throw herself at him. In general as a writer he was willing to engage in hard labor to tell a true and meaningful story. He wasn't one of those creeps whose stories involved trumpeting people's dirty laundry or exposing the lurid indelicate details of the pain of other peoples lives. He had come to interview her several months ago about her work as a philanthropist. She had expected to dislike him, expected him to be shallow like so many reporters were these days. They had had a wonderful discussion of the media - about the saturation of what information was available in hours of gossip and speculation that actually gleaning information was a bit like finding a needle in a haystack... then - this was his analogy - a drop of chocolate syrup in a glass of milk.... impossible. They had gone on to discuss the sizeable contributions made by insurance cormpanies and other interest groups to politicians and how there was no quick fix for any of these problems that were driving the country rapidly down the drain. Anyway, nothing made her fall in love quicker than a good conversation and the fact that he was handsome and smart just added to it. Miraculously he seemed to like her back, a clear sign in her mind that there must be something truly wrong with him. Luckily for her, he had seen that particular kind of insecurity before and he was not daunted by it. He was in love and she would just have to accept it.
Thanks again to Pro Artz for the words. These she took at random from a book she was reading.
Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: reluctant, sacrilege, territory, humiliating, master of ceremonies, gesture, dirty deed, crumbling, thaw, token
For the mini challenge: official portrait, personal bank account, shoulder bone, unbearable, widow
Thanks for playing. For those who are new, here are some guidelines to make the process more fun.
Enjoy! See you next week.