This is week 68 of the Saturday Wordzzle challenge. Anyone new to the process can refer back here to find out how it works. Thank you to Dr. John (who feels there have been too many phrases and not enough just words of late) for this weeks collection of 15 homonyms. Clever man.
The words for this week's ten word challenge were: sow, close, console, lives, minute, polish, bass, pussy, complex, resume
For the mini challenge: bow, sewer, house, import, intern
My 10-word offering for this week:
Mary Beth went to the console and pulled out the emergency bottle of Wild Turkey. Harvey needed to be consoled. The garden he had spend hours sowing in hopes of having enough produce to feed their big fat sow cost-free had been near fruition when their very naughty pussy cat had polished it off in mere minutes with a series of surprisingly complex moves. When he had tried to stop her she had accidentally left him with a collection of minute scratches that had morphed into a large, pussy wound that hurt like the devil. He was not a happy camper. Their lives were pretty stressful at the moment anyway, since they were struggling financially and looking for extra income in the form of a second job. "Why don't you relax and go bass fishing, Harvey, to take your mind off things for a bit. Then you can come back and resume work on your resume feeling refreshed and restored." "Well, I could go fishing, or I could take my beautiful wife to the new movie and shopping complex and enjoy some time with her," Harvey replied in the rich bass voice she loved so well. "That sounds wonderful darling. What movie shall we see? Oh, and does this mean that Destructo kitty gets to live?" "It's a close call, but I guess I can close the door on my anger just this once. Let's go have a lovely afternoon together. Have I mentioned that I love you?"
Bowing to the inevitable, intern Fred Franklin finally accepted the full import of the town's decision to route the new sewer system under his beloved house. Although he had felt bitterly like a victim interned there for most of his childhood, the old mansion now housed his own family and a host of beautiful treasures which he had taken great pains to import from abroad. The dramatic lace curtains - hand crafted to his exact specifications by the sewer - could be taken with them when they moved, but his most prized treasure, the bow of the old Spanish galleon which he had restored board by board into a special playroom addition to delight his children would not weather another transformation. Such was life, he sighed. On the up side, the town was paying him a pretty price for the old place and he had alreay found a magnificent new home free of old memories. On the whole it was a good loss, more silver lining than cloud. Life was good.
My mega: (no more homonyming)
Intern and surgeon Martin "Bow" House was noted for his gifts as a "sewer." His minute, close together stitches left barely any scar for his patients. Their post surgery wounds were never pussy, healed like magic, and most were able to resume their normal lives in record time. But his gifts were not limited to technique. He was also known for his understanding of the complex dynamics of the human spirit, for his compassion and his ability sow the seeds of hope as well as to console both the ill and the grieving. His deep bass voice carried the tender resonance of one who understood the import of his words, but he also had the wisdom to know that sometimes it was more important to listen, and that sometimes compassionte silence was more comforting than polished words. He was, in other words, more than a doctor. He was a true healer.
For the mini challenge: motorcycle, grandiose, summer, flying off the handle, blue jays
Thanks for playing. For those who are new, here are some guidelines to make the process more fun.
Enjoy! See you next week.
Wow! I don't know that I could have used every word twice, covered double meanings and still made such good sense! Well done!
I didn't know that either. But anyway I was finally able to get Mr. Linky to work. It wasn't up when I finished so I went to my play and came back. The first time I put it up it didn't work but the second one does. I should have paid more attention to the homonyming. Yours was wonderful.
BRAVO! Excellent my friend!
I wish I'd have looked earlier this week at the words - this would have been fun. I think by using both meanings you played it just right!
Cleverly done this week my dear and again I loved the view, the vignette into a couple's life in the first story. BTW, I use the phrase "Have I told you I love you today" on a regular basis with Vicki.
We were going dancing tonight, but the group canceled. Instead we went to a big Indian Casino and made a donation to the Native Americans. After we stopped a local "Native New Yorker" for desert, coffee and a few games of trivia. We were ranked #79 tonight out of over 4,500 players nationally. (Can you hear the sound of one hand clapping?)
It's 12:52 AM here in Phoenix. I'm sitting out on the patio with a Joni Mitchell CD playing, a good cigar and a 7&7. Life is good.
I hope you have a great weekend and are feeling better this week.
You did a great job Raven with all the words. I just wasn't inspired at all so haven't joined in this week. I admit I find it much easier when you have a couple of phrases in the challenge - they give me inspiration. Well done. :)
bow to the master. Your every word used twice and well in the first two floors me. I just loved it.
Thank you ever so much for playing with my words.
Your are the best.
Excellent use of the double meanings, and within the same stories and all...!
I'm joining again this week.
That's great. Challenge to use them once with one meaning never mind both, very smart thinking. well done! I need to gather children for lunch, will be around afterward s to read others.
I did post this week.
WE just loved your use of the words.You are so clever.
I loved the way everyone read the words differently this week, I've really enjoyed reading your stories this week again too... Cheers! :-D
You took this to a whole new level with the homonyming!!! I love how you play with words!
Have I mentioned that I love you?" The tenderness in this story brought tears to my eyes. Lucky strike for the naughty kitty!
Finding a new home free of memories. This is by far my favorite line…
I liked how Harvey faced his problem and took care of his wife.
I found your double use of the words in the first two stories very interesting. Both stories were good, but I probably liked the mini one the best. The mega story, about the doctor, was also good.
I have my own stories up now.
Stephen from Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Wonderful, as usual, and clever use of the double meanings. It was great fun reading your entries.
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