Sunday, September 26, 2010

Daily Reminder # 118

Tonight's daily reminder comes to you from Neale Donald Walsh... I thought it was a good one. Something I'm trying to deal with. I'm kind of always concerned about money.  I do believe that there's an element of trusting that you will have enough that helps the Universe to provide it. I have a hard time LIVING that belief, though, especially around the 10th of the month when the mortgage payment goes out and the rest of the month is pretty much an empty bank account. But I'm still here and it seems like the Universe DOES come through when my need is great with some unexpected gift.   The photos are from  other years. Got nothing new at the moment and it looks like it may be a kind of drab Fall.

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you need not be concerned about money.  Be concerned, instead, about joy.
How much joy are you experiencing in this moment?  How much joy are youbringing to this moment?  The joy you experience will be the joy you bring.  If you are waiting for joy to be brought to you, you do not understand what you are doing here.  And if you think that joy has anything to do with money, you really do not understand what you are doing here.
There is a person waiting right now, right this very minute, for you to uplift them.  Do that...and you will be rich.
Really.  I mean, really.  I'm not making this up.

Some things I'm grateful for tonight:
  • Life
  • Laughter
  • My home
  • The money I have
  • My capacity for joy
  • sam-e
  • Fall colors
  • Angel and Tara Grace
  • The ability to read and write and think
  • water
  • indoor plumbing

Have a Great Day!

1 comment:

The Bug said...

Boy I needed to read this today. We're in a very lean place right now (of our own making - & don't we feel stupid to be a statistic!), but if we're careful we'll be ok. That said, I could stand to remember to find joy!