I think I'll go with Emmanuel again today. I love Emmanuel. He changed my life.... First quote for the day is a response to the question: "Is working for material things a hindrance to our spiritual purpose."
Not if you see material thingsAs materialized consciousness.When one is in the material worldone must have food and clothing.And one desires a home that is beautiful,comfortable, a place to be.These are the accoutrements of self-love.When self-love is truly acknowledgedyou will not deny yourself any of these things.Self-love will open your handsto receive as well as to give.And certainly it is not taking something awayfrom someone else.Your universe is boundless.There is more than enoughof everything for everyone.How does one take in the bounty that there is?What does one do to deserve opulence?You think this is not a difficulty?Wait and see.Until such time when you have masteredthe art of receiving,you must supply yourselfwith the material necessities.If you can release your guilt about moneyand accept it as part of the divine universeand the physical reality of your earth,you will see that it has no more or less powerthan you give it.It is a necessity.You all hold the sense of money too tightly.
Look to understand your negative feelingsas a loving mother would understanda confused and frightened child.When the denial of God within youis being challengedit is a most propitious time in your life.Do not deny the part of you that is in darknessor it will manifest again.When you become aware of misjudgementof ill-timed, ill-conceived thought and action,when you recognize your desire for vengeance,your anger or unforgivingess,that is the time for self-congratulation.Your new insight now allows you to handle these thingsin a more conscious way.It is an opportunity.A door has opened.A light has been turned on.
The question for this one was: What happens to a soul like Hitler or Stalin? (I thought the answer was rather timely, given what's going on here in the US and around the world, really.)
When you say "a soul like Hitler or Stalin,"I say to youthat you do not know their soul.You may speak of a man like Hitler or Stalinbut you cannot speak of their total Divine Being.There is a need in human consciousnessfor retribution, for justice.There are many thingsthat the human mind cannot understand.You cannot will yourselfto forgive and love someonewho has seemingly caused such suffering.From your viewpoint it is unforgivable.There is a great deal of growth, certainly,that needs to take place in souls,not only those two, but anyone who is cruel,who abuses, who kills, who is selfish,who is ambitious, who is unfeeling.It is a matter if degree.Within each one of you there is a small portion,some smaller than others,where there is hate, where there is racism,where there is a voice that says,"I am different than you and I am better."Wherever you can hear that voice,you are speaking to what you have perceivedin the outer world as Hitler.Remember, this is a schoolroomand remember some of the lessionsneed to be written across the heavensin order for them to be heardand understood.
- A lovely, cool, gray day
- cheese
- TV
- music
- Emmanuel
- my back yard
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