Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ruby Tuesday, Gratitude, Day 18

I thought I'd combine Ruby Tuesday ( hosted by Mary/ the Teach at Work of the Poet) with my gratitude post for today. My images are sort of a hodge podge of things, most have some red, but not all. Some I'm just grateful to have gotten to take. I missed the message about Thanksgiving, but am grateful to say that even though this post isn't about Thanksgiving, it IS about thanks giving. (Did I say that?)

Of course I'm grateful for memes like Ruby Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday, the Color Projects and others. I've met so many interesting people through them and seen zillions of wonderful photographs.

I'm so grateful that yesterday the sun, some squirrels and birds all showed up at the same time and I had a nice session at the back door. I'm always grateful when there are things to take pictures of... and just wonderful birds and critters to watch.

The first three photos below are some last remnants of nature's reds that I took yesterday along with the red squirrel. Thanks to my neighbors' new practice of putting crumbs in my yard (Shannon did it yesterday and put them closer to the house which was extra cool), the squirrels came quite close and posed nicely for me. That little red guy moves SO fast. I wish I had a tenth of his energy. I'd be moving like the wind. Of course at one point one of the gray ones came right up onto the porch, looked at me with his mouth full of muffin, and sat there giving me some of the most wonderful poses - just as Angel decided she couldn't live without sitting on my lap. Such is life. Do you think they communicate telepathically... ("Hey... know what would drive her crazy?")

These next two photos are from September. I got sidetracked into politics world so I stopped posting many photos or visiting other blogs and just became obsessively insane. Angel and Tara Grace do help keep me grounded... sort of anyway. I'm grateful for Angel's aggravating, charming, eternal curiosity... and for the fact that so far I have managed to get to most of what she would destroy before she gets a chance to do so. She is awesomely creative, though. She and Tara Grace have both adopted my little bean bags as cat toys. Isn't everything a cat toy in the end?

Also from September, I did finally unbox the new pots and pans a week or so after they arrived and left them sitting there in the corner for a month or so because I didn't want to ruin them by using them. I finally broke down last week and oh, my but they are wonderful! No stick pans which actually live up to the claim. Too cool.

I was so excited and grateful yesterday to catch the bird show below. I'm sharing it here because I'm hoping maybe someone out there can identify the birds. They look sort of grackle-like to me, but I think they are too big. That tree is in my neighbor's yard. They filled it and another one up like decorations on a Christmas tree. It was awesome and delightful. If you click on the pictures you can see them larger.

Have a grand and joy-filled Tuesday - Ruby or otherwise.


Anonymous said...

Great shots. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Here is my thanks giving for today -- I love coming here and seeing your squirrel pics!

Anonymous said...

What a positive and beautiful post. Wonderful pictures as well. Love the cat! such a sweet picture. Squirrels are so quick and hard to photograph, you did wonderful!

Robin said...

Fabulous squirrel pictures! I love watching them too. So do my kids - for them squirrels are exotic. We don't have them in Israel so they're always very excited to see them when we go to the States.

Carletta said...

Lovely little glimpses of red in nature.
My favorites are the squirrels. I love the tail of the red squirrel and that first one of the gray squirrel looks like he's patting his chest about something!

Glad to see you back in Ruby Tuesday!

me ann my camera said...

Raven,I wonder if those mysterious black birds are Starlings? I enjoyed your hodge podge of pictures. The red remnants of autumn, yet uncovered by the winter snows, the friendly dining of squirrels on your steps and the gratitude to your red non-stick pans. All things I can identify with, even not using the new stuff for a while, just enjoying the anticipation of it being there.

About seeing the red tail on my pictures of a Red-tailed Hawk. I don't often see the vivid red of its tail either, I think it is only the adult that has it. Thank you for your comments, glad that you enjoyed.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Nice picture of the red squirrel. Since they spend most of their time in the trees it can be difficult to get pictures of them.

EG CameraGirl said...

That squirrel was putting on a lovely show for you!

You found lots of red for this week's Ruby Tuesday, ;-)

Risa Tzohar said...

Lovely photos, thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

So many nice photos, it's hard to comment on each. I love the bird-filled tree, especially, though.

Happy RT!

Melli said...

WOW! You really did get some great squirrel shots! I LOVE those! That tree full of birds is pretty neat too!

Rambling Woods said...

Raven.I'm with Ann, those look like european starlings to me. An introduced aggressive bird that competes with our native birds for food and nesting areas.Some lovers of Shakespeare wanted to populate the US with birds from his works, so they released some starlings into NY City and here we are.

Man, they can clean out a bird feeder in no time flat.

I love you new pans..what is it about shiny new stuff...

New Rambling Woods Site

Raven said...

Thanks everyone....

ann and rambling woods... thanks about the starlings. Starlings was the word I was looking for last night when grackles came out. They seemed too big to be starlings to me but that's probably what they are because they have the coloring and they fly in big flocks. I don't know that I've ever seen a solitary starling. I didn't know they had been introduced. Interesting.

Mojo said...


Is that poison ivy in your first shot??

Kinda looks like it. Just sayin'

Jientje said...

I love those squirrel pictures, you're so lucky to have them in your yard! About the birds, I agree, they look like Starlings to me.
Welcome back to Ruby Tuesday and thanks for visiting me!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

Very nice shots! I do however get a lil creeped out when I see so many birds all huddled in a tree. I probably shouldn't have watched that movie the birds so early in life lol.

Anonymous said...

that's an interesting hodge podge framed with thanks, well done !

Dianne said...

I think your town has the most photogenic squirrels on the planet :)

love the photo of kittie kisses

and the red berries are perfect

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I love your second squirrel picture! Too cute!

Norm said...

wow! all your photos are beautiful...I love the squirrel, very smart..

Finding Pam said...

Once again you have captured the single beauty of a squirrel like no one else can. They are such posers for you. I love all things red from the leaves,berries, squirrels and those fantastice red pots and pans. You have such a good eye for photograpyy. Thank you so much for sharing.

Felisol said...

Dear Raven,
I admire your outdoor photoshoots from behind a window.
What a patience and passion driving you!
Others would give in, because they could not get out. You are giving a lesson in nature's beauty and plenitude and inspire to go searching for answers.
In Norway the starlings are birds of passage, and the children are greeting their song and return each spring.
Starling also live natural in Asia, Africa and North Australia.
They have been imported and like the Caucasian specie they have survived in North America and on New Zealand.
Like you I am amazed by the hordes harvesting our great red-berry tree in the autumn before they are heading south.

You are a lady of many interests and many skills.
I am always looking forward to which topic you will right about next time.
Hope you still will have a Happy Ruby Tuesday.
From Felisol

Anonymous said...

love the red pots!

Haley H said...

It's good to stop and reflect on what we're thankful for. Sometimes the sentiment gets lost in all the turkey and pumpkin pie.

Cute squirrels. Love the red busy tail.

Dora said...

I like the 2nd squirrel pic and is amused by the cat too! ;)

bettygram said...

I admire your photos. The squirrels seem to pose for you.

Anonymous said...

It's the pots for me. Wonderful! I just received new ones also, but not such a beautiful color. Great Ruby Tuesday post and essay. And thanks for visiting my ruby leaves and leaving a kind comment. Much appreciated.

Pia K said...

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Sweden, but one really should make a note of giving thanks to all the things/people/moments/encounters and so forth one is grateful for on a regular basis, holiday or not.

Those squirrels are adorable and so is the kitty, with a matching cute toy:)

Anonymous said...

Nice collection of ruby pics. I like the squirrel, so cute!
The ruby ribbons in my Guanlin pics are prayer ribbons that one can buy at the temple premises. :)

Stacey Olson said...

Raven, so glad you had wonderful things show up at your back door. I just love the squirrel photos. Those little creatures are just packed full of personality! Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Raven: I am Grateful for YOU! What a wonderful collection of photographs that allow us to see what a dear soul you are! The Squirrel! Flowers! The Kitten! Narure! Soaring with Eagles! All my cup of tea, Raven. Enjoy your day!!!!:D

Ingrid said...

This squirrel is so adorable and even his tail is "ruby" red ! I also love the bird pictures and of course the cat ! Here it is still hot 83° ! But you don't feel the heat.

MyMaracas said...

Where to begin?? So many beautiful shots, and such a nice narrative to go with. Lovely entry.

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the combination of your gratitude and RT together :)
The shots of the squirrel are adorable.

Maria's Space said...

Awesome shots. Why does that first squirrel pic look like he is ready to kick my butt?

Unknown said...

belated happy Tuesday. I love the berries. They look so cheerful!

Askew To You said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful variety of photos. I love those red pans! How cool!