It's week 119 of the Weekly Wordzzle Challenge. I just realized that wordzzles has been going on for more than 2 years. Wow. Our numbers have shrunk, probably in part because I kind of blogged out and haven't really gotten back into the swing of things. I post more than I visit. It's not very nice of me, but it's what I'm capable of right now. Looking forward to reading what our small faithful band of wordzzlers comes up with.
Words for this week's 10-word challenge are:
super duper, think first and act later, jump rope, soap opera, delivery, barbeque, jewelery, on sale, justification, figure of speech
And for the mini: plastic, forgotten, make-shift, happy days, infant
My mega:
Think first and act later. My mother tried to drum that into my head from the time I was an infant. I've never forgotten her advice, I just am not very good at following it, which has, unfortunately, turned my life into a soap opera on more occasions than I like to admit. One of the areas where I have the most trouble thinking first is spending money. I see the words "on sale," and I'm like Pavlov's dogs at bell ringing time. There's no justification for it, I just lose all control. So anyway, the reason I mention this is because the local Super Duper Store had a "super duper" sale this week and I kind of just lost my mind (not a figure of speech... I really did) and bought about $500 worth of merchandise that we can't afford. There are no happy days ahead for me and I've already set up a make-shift bedroom for myself in the den because I think I'm going to be persona non-grata for some time to come. When the delivery comes (that part was free, at least), I'm hoping that the new barbeque I got him will offset the jewelery, the plastic wading pool (we don't have kids), and the six cases of raman noodles (they were $1/case!).... to mention just some of my purchases. Probably, if I had listened to my mother and taken some time to think, I'd have spent the money on therapy and not "bargains." Now, of course, I can't afford therapy... or a marriage counselor.
The mini:
Happy days! Happy Days! All sorrow is forgotten. The agency called and we're getting the baby! I've set up a make-shift nursery because she'll be here in a couple of days. We didn't think the adoption was going to go through but it did somehow and now I have to race to buy all the things an infant needs... diapers, plastic bottles, booties, a crib... and plan for a more permanent room for her. And of course I have to call John! He doesn't know yet. I can't believe it. We had lost all hope and now our Jennifer is coming home. Life is good.
The 10-word:
All this great stuff was on sale at everythingcheap.com. I mean, I couldn't believe it! Super Duper sale, they called it and they were right. I probably spent a little bit more than I should have, but the bargains were just too good. And what a range of items! Here's what I got. A set of jump ropes for my niece for $.50, a gorgeous set of barbeque utensils for my brother's birthday ($5.00 for the whole set!), a set of reference books (a Thesaurus, a collection of figures of speech and their roots, and a dictionary), and subscription to Soap Opera Digest for $8 for a year! Besides that I got a whole bunch of gorgeous earrings for almost no money at all. My justification for that purchase is that the deals were so good and the stuff so beautiful and I really needed some new jewelery, plus I can give a couple of pairs to my sister-in-law. I mean Christmas is taken care of and it's only July! My favorite thing was a beautifully calligraphed (is that a word?) poster that says THINK FIRST AND ACT LATER, which I really, really need because I'm prone to jump in without thinking. But anyway, almost nothing makes me as happy as a bargain. I can't wait until it's all delivered! Oh yeah... I spent enough for free delivery! Yippee!
Words for next week's 10-word challenge are: sharp, dump truck, charcoal, traffic light, digestive system, argumentative, fireflies, chocolate, volume, options
And for the mini: parameters, shoplifting, adoption, threats, lemonade
Thank you for playing! Newcomers can check here for some guidelines (and they are only guidelines, not rules) to make the process more fun.
Enjoy! See you next week!
Don't forget to add
your name to Mr. Linky!
Great wordzzles all! But my faourite has to be the mini - make-shift nursery great use of the words.
But I enjoyed them all(I always do) :)
Sorry Raven it took me three attempts not sure if you can delete the firt two - abject apologies
No problem... people (Argent) will figure it out.
Whew - I finally made it! I was really NOT happy with my 10 worder - but I finally decided that I was just DONE LOL.
Yours are much better than my offerings this week - you always have a little bit of hope in there (well, the first one is maybe not very hopeful - heh).
I love the wry, knowingness of your first piece. The words really worked well in it I think. And the little bit of humour at the end was lovely.
What a happy little story in your mini! The mother's joy spills right over!
Hehe, I think I'll visit that website in your 10-worder. I could do with a an embroidered "Think first and act later" motto!
Congrats of keeping Wordzzles going for 2 years! Harol'd about 1 year old now so happy birthday to him as well :-)
great stories - i promise to return at some point. my head doesn't seem to be in the right place at the moment
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