Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Daily Reminder # 135

If nothing changes, nothing changes.

My friend E is in the process of making a huge change in her life. She described it to me as walking up hill against the wind in a snow storm. That would probably be easier. I can't say much more about it without violating her privacy, but I would ask anyone who is so inclined to send some prayers her way or maybe post some words of encouragement here. Despite exhaustion and fear and terrible obstacles, she has been keeping on keeping. I'm really proud of her and hopeful that this ordeal will soon be behind her.

I was about to post this and I had one last thought looking at that turkey vulture in flight. They are pretty homely and awkward on the ground, but in flight they are pure magic. Sometimes these life journeys we find ourselves on are so ugly and cumbersome and exhausting.... but with each step forward... we come closer to that magic and freedom of flight.

Speaking of tough journeys - it's so thrilling to see the Chilean miners coming out of the mine after almost 4 months under ground. Their humor and spirit is so inspiring. As I write this - quite late - 4 have been brought to the surface and 29 remain to be brought out. Human beings are awesome... ore at least we can be.

Some things I'm grateful for today;

  • a visit from friends (who brought)
  • good company
  • a good movie and
  • free food - fresh veggies and home made stuff 
  • the retrieval of lost cat toys (thanks Dan)
  • water
  • my home
  • beauty
  • birds in flight
  • fall colors
  • my camera
  • the rescue of the Chilean miners
  • human ingenuity and determination
  • my friend E
  • Redemption
  • hope
  • laughter
  • progress

Have a Beautiful Day!

May Your Thoughts Fly Free and 
Take Your Spirit With Them


Debbie said...

I will keep your friend in my prayers and pray God gives her the strength she needs.

The miner's rescue and been wonderful to watch!

Carolina Mountains said...

Sending lots of prayers for your friend. Isn't it great about the miners? The vultures catch the thermals and ride with them - what we all should do!