I chose the first one to help honor my One Million Blogs for Peace commitment. The other two I chose because they are short and just because.... The third poem is my contribution for the theme of "change," this week's One Single Impression prompt.

The call to arms is deep
Lonely buglers
Trumpet sad melodies
Of unborn dreams
Into the bellies of weeping women.
- Katherine E. Rabenau

Such flight must surely be magnificent
Must loose the soul to higher worlds
It is too beautiful to be merely practical
Look how he dances, glides and swoops
Within the endless depth of sky
So certain of his power
So easy on the wind
Look how the heavens carry him about
Above the rugged spires of a dying world.
- Katherine E. Rabenau
October 1, 1999

Live as big as the sky, she said
And I felt my heart awaken and take note
As big as the sky? it asked?
Can I do that?
I don’t know, I said,
Liking always to be truthful.
But we can try.
- Katherine E. Rabenau
Posting just one would be cheating me! I love your poems Ravens. These 3 are so hopeful yet real, sad and uplifting - just beautiful.
I would name a favorite but that would be cheating the other two :)
all three were beautiful... loved the line "live as big as the sky" ... so much hope in that...
I like awakening, like a conversation with yourself.
Indeed, these are lovely - hopeful words and thoughts...uplifting and inspiring.
I feel like that last poem is giving me some strength today, when I really need it.
They are all beautifully composed and some times the short poems, clear and concise, deliver the most lasting message. Great work.
Delightful. I know the apprehension expressed in the third poem. But the words come back from the universe, "Of course you can live as big as the sky!"
Writin g in Faith: Poems
Very nice, Katherine! :D
Thank you, everybody, for taking the time to read these and for your kind words. My inner poet is feeling very comforted.
"So easy on the wind
Look how the heavens carry him about
Above the rugged spires of a dying world."
What an image! Very impactful.
Love them...I think you've shared the middle one with me before. You're an awesome writer! Keep it up!
roswila, kim - thank you. I've always been kind of fond of the eagle poem which I wrote ages and ages ago. I the last years I've lived in places where I actually got to SEE live eagles fly. From my window in my house I watch the hawks dance in the sky. What a cool thing to be able to do.
wonderful! i have always felt that a bird which soars so beautifully must feel the joy in it
thank you qualcosa di bella... hawks and eagles in particular always look to me like they are just having glorious good fun up there. I rather envy them the experience.
As one who has sadly "dried up" with his poetry, I admire yours immensely!:)
thank you michael... most of my stuff is old... I'm hoping that by posting some of it, I can re-awaken my poetry cells....
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