Freezing cold here today. It was in the 20s/teens all day and is 9 degrees at present. Supposed to go down to 4. Cold. Some interesting icicles, though. Managed to get my wordzzles done. They weren't great but they are done. Thought I'd post another Neale Donald Walsch message. I don't think I've posted this one before but even if I have, I think it's a good one and worth repeating.
On this day of your life, dear friend,
I believe God wants you to know...
...that every day is a New Beginning.
A new cycle begins this day, yet a new cycle begins
every day. Indeed, every moment. So if you recognize
anything on this day, recognize what it symbolizes: The
miracle of the endlessly continuing Cycle of Life.
What a grand day! What a time for celebration! We
begin again today! We turn the page! And so, let go
of all that you do not wish to carry with you any further.
Any fear, any sadness, any anger, any resentment, any
disappointment, any lament...let it all go. And now,
using the specialness of this day as a springboard,
let's get on with Life!
Love, Your Friend....

Some things I'm grateful for today: (Items in red are pre-gratitude, a game designed to help me "resonate" with abundance and in so doing inspire in the Creative Forces of the Universe a desire to resonate cash and other good things in my direction.)
- Angel and Tara Grace
- my home
- my furnace
- weatherizing
- my warm robes and heavy cape
- coffee and Int'l Delight
- my little coffee maker
- water
- bread and butter
- indoor plumbing
- Sam-e
- Omega-3
- IP-6
- Vitamin D-3
- Miracle Foot Repair Cream
- my computer
- the internet
- computer games
- my TV
- the remote control
- the mute button
- my camera
- icicles
- no snow accumulation
- Netflix
- the ability to read and write
- the ability to type
- the capacity for change
- words
- wordzzles (especially COMPLETED wordzzles)
- poetry
- literature
- paper towels
- Crocs
- my chair/walker
- my cane
- that my legs still wobble me around with help
- electricity
- my Tibetan salt lamps
- my rock collection
- music
- Pandora radio
- the joy of listening
- the joy of singing
- the awesome Bose speakers my niece gave me for Christmas
- the view from my front window
- thermal windows
- antibiotics for Tara Grace that I can put in her food
- Dr. Bronner soap
- Dr. Ihhiru probiotic soaps
- a clothes dryer
- new curtains
- blind for the front window
- winning lottery numbers
- Nintendo
- company/companionship
- freshly painted living and bedroom walls
- a truckload of money (big bills)
- more flowers/landscaping in the back yard
- zero balance on my credit cards
- lower interest rates
- $5,000/week for life from PCH (or a million a year is good too)
- a reading and healing with Nancy DuTertre
- a sun room on the back of the house
- a paid off mortgage
- non-violent demousification of my house (Louise, there must be houses which offer more)
- seeing the red list turn to black
- reiki
- angels
- miracles
- the colors of the rainbow
- Dennis Puffett
- my grabber
- sight
- hearing
- taste
- touch
- smell
- lavender
- allspice
- humor
- I Claudius
- You Tube
- Neale Donald Walsch
- art
- creativity
- beauty
- ideas
- the telephone
- memory foam
- my mattress
- blankets
- my nieces, my nephew and their families
- that they are happy, healthy and successful
- that the seem to love me as I them
- my friends
- my neighbors
- hope
- possibilities
- resilience
- determination
- all the stuff I'm forgetting or that I give thanks for privately
- love
- laughter
- life
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