Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Couldn't resist adding Credence Clearwater singing "Out My Back Door":

I hope you will all take a minute to remember that this is Autism Awareness Month. The following blogs and posts offer an opportunity to put a human face and heart on something which for most of us is just something we have heard about but don't really understand.
These are the Days
Forks Off the Moment - We are All Unique
Mother of Shrek
Full Soul Ahead
Down River Drivel
Look Me In The Eye
Great shots. I do love the bird pics.
I really liked the eye in the bark of the tree..
They are all great shots but that one was my favourite..
cheers kim
Actually after going back for a closer look it is more like a happy picasso face in the tree.. cool!!
dont mind me I see faces everywhere..
cheers Kim
What great photos! I truly admire the photo of the black bird because black is a pain for me to shoot, in fact, I can't get any black birds well at all! The robin photo is great! Glad to see that spring has sprung!
You must live in such a beautiful place! I love the birch tree pictures! And the birds are great captures, too.
Who needs words when you have all these amazing photos!
Can't pick one as my favorite, I tried but eventually I had picked them all :)
jams o donnell - thank you... I'm just in awe that I have been able to get bird photos. After years with only 1.5 pixels and no zoom, I am in hog heaven (and of course wish I had more pixels and more zoom... but I'm still like a kid in a candy store).
frogs ponds rock - isn't that tree just amazing? It's in my neighbor's hard and I loved it even before I could zoom in on it and see it's eyes and faces.
Andree - you are such an awesome photographer. I was pretty amazed that I was able to get the junco and the grackle... Is that what it is or a starling? I used to know those things.
Shrijnana - it really is pretty here. My back yard is small and sweet and requires little or no tending. Would probably be nicer if it got some, but that's life. My neighbors across the street have an awesome huge yard that's like a park and I don't have to do anything to take care of it either, just enjoy the beauty.
dianne - thanks. I missed you the past few days. You're lucky. You missed me ranting about politics.
The first was really mesmerizing with the eye - love it!
Those robin pictures are my favorite bird ones, I miss seeing those little ones! I am happy you captured them.
I enjoy your blog very much and add it to my coffee pals.
eye to eye on your birch tree is pretty spooky but I real like it.
Sign of spring were your at is a little head of us.
Anyhow it was spitting snow here yesterday but nothing stuck.
I'm glad you have an eye and camera to view the beautiful things out your doors and windows. The song was so appropriate too! Enjoy your views...
Raven, these are not macro shots? They are magnificent close-ups! :D
Hi Raven
Great pics, iI love all birds even plain looking crows & sparrows, the ones you photographed are absolutely beautiful.
SnoopMurph - I forgot that AZ doesn't have robins. They are so kind about posing for me. And such sweet birds, somehow.
peppylady - thanks for adding me to your coffee pals. Sorry Spring hasn't arrived where you are. It has felt very slow in arriving this year. The last snow just melted off my back porch the day before yesterday.
ellen b - I'm so glad somebody listened to the song. I guess I should have labeled it better. Maybe I'll fix that now.
the teach - I'm not sure what macro shots are. After Tara Grace - bless her - pushed my antique HP 1.5 megapixel with no zoom off the desk a month or so ago, I got a Canon Powershot with 8.5 megapixels and a 10x zoom. It was a really good sale at Amazon.com and even though I couldn't afford it, I couldn't not afford it either. One of the best over-rides of good sense I've ever indulged in. Thanks for your kind compliment.
hey tazblog - you snuck in there while I was replying to others. I love birds too. My little camera is letting me get close up looks at them that I wouldn't otherwise be able to do. So neat to see the details of their feathers and coloring.
Simply astonishing what you have captured so well from your back door. I hope you do many more. These are great!!!
You have a wonderfully interesting back yard and a good eye for seeing the beauty and action in it. Thanks for sharing.
Is the first and last photo of the same tree, just the first one up close? These are wonderful photos.
I agree with Frogs comment; I see the eye too. Very nice shots. Thank you for your kind words on my WW post as well. :)
Great shots and wonderful view from out your backdoor! I love CCR!
Great photos. I love the eye in the tree.
looks like a great view to me!!
The first one of the tree looks like a face. I love the one of the robin all fluffy from trying to get warm!
Beautiful pictures of the birds, I too thought it was a close up or with zoom lens. I'm surprised you caught that without zoom. That's real capture :)
billy - thanks so much.
gypsy at hear - it is a pretty neat back yard for such a little house.
Linda - they are the same tree.. It's a really beautiful tree in my neighbor's yard.
Robert - it looks so MUCH like an eye - even with subtle iris shading..
Marsha - glad you enjoyed Credence... takes me back in time.
Betty - thanks.
carrie - I like it.
Hi Kim - I was trying to get his wing sort of blowing in the breeze. Robins are nice... they sit quiet a lot.
napaboaniya - It is with a zoom - built into a digital camera - 10x, so it can get me pretty close.
Very lovely shots... and it's interesting, I often venture out and about... and my wife and I often go on long hikes and trips to take photos and whatnot... and this made me think, How much of our world are we missing just outside our own door? We race by it en route to something else... but are we missing things in a rush to SEE things?
Beautiful pics! I especially like the first one, it looks mysterious like an eye popping out of the wood :)
Happy WW and thanks so much for stopping by!
doubledeckerbusguy - what a lovely thing to say. I think we do often forget to notice the beauty close at hand in every day things.
sue - thank you. That eye in the tree just awes me. It's so detailed and really eye-like. There's just so much magic in the world, isn't there?
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