Thought I'd let Neale Donald Walsh and God do the talking tonight. I think this is a good one, even though I also think it's really difficult to live up to. I've been listening to the Healing with the Masters's conversations and one of them was all about giving being a source of healing and abundance. Thing is, if you give in order to get healing and abundance, it doesn't work. They had a number of practices involving 29 days an act of kindness a day. Or doing daily acts of kindness. I really like that idea. I can't imagine that life wouldn't be happier if you consciously chose to do something nice for someone else every day. Anyway, this seems to fall into the same basic concept, even though it isn't.
On this day of your life, dear friend,
I believe God wants you to know...
...that if you think you have nothing to lose, you win. If
It is clear why you have been told this today, yes?
you think you have something to win, you lose.
It all drives to motivation. Why are you doing what you
are doing right now? To avoid loss? To achieve gain?
Wrong reason both times. Life is not about win-and-lose.
Life is about being or not being, expressing or not
expressing, who you are.
Don't do things for personal benefit. And don't do things
to avoid personal damage. Do things to feel personal
authenticity. Then your life will make sense, no matter
what is going on around you.
Love, Your Friend....

Some things I'm grateful for today: (Items in red are pre-gratitude, an effort to align myself with the Creative Forces of the Universe (and them with me) in order (I know this is totally not in keeping with the message of today's post which is probably also why it isn't really working for me) to be open to receiving truckload of money and other good things.)
- Angel and Tara Grace
- Dr. Jim
- my little house
- my fuzzy robe
- my computer
- the internet
- computer games
- my camera
- my chair/walker
- my cane
- that my legs still get me from room to room
- Sam-e
- Omega-3
- IP-6
- Vitamin D-3
- coconut oil
- yogurt
- grapes
- iced tea
- Fall colors
- my TV
- the remote control
- the mute button
- electricity
- my microwave
- my Tibetan salt lamps
- paper towels
- indoor plumbing
- my kitchen
- my bathroom
- the view from my front window
- the telephone
- a truckload of money (big bills)
- a clothes dryer
- a ceiling fan in the bedroom
- more flowers in the back yard
- freshly painted living and bedroom walls
- winning lottery numbers
- a paid off mortgage
- a reading and healing with Nancy DuTertre
- $5,000/week from PCH
- a sun room on the back of the house
- new curtains
- blinds for the front window
- zero balance on my credit cards
- Nintendo
- seeing the red list turn to black
- reiki
- angels
- Dennis Puffett
- my nieces, my nephew and their families
- that they are happy, healthy and successful
- my friends
- that my little house was weatherized last Spring
- an abundance of water for drinking and bathing
- refrigerators
- my electric tooth brush
- toothpaste
- Listerine
- beauty
- my rock collection
- sight
- hearing
- taste
- touch
- smell
- Pandora radio
- music
- the joy of singing
- memories (good ones)
- peach/mango yogurt smoothies
- ideas
- imagination
- words
- poetry
- the ability to read and write
- the ability to type
- the capacity to change
- the capacity to learn
- Crocs
- my fuzzy robe (chilly today - in the 40s!)
- muffins
- L-lysine
- surprise checks in the mail, even small ones
- Netflix
- my boom box in the bedroom
- my mattress
- art
- talent
- the colors of the rainbow
- that I don't miss All My Children a bit
- acts of kindness
- free things
- kitty hugs from Angel
- head butts from Tata Grace
- purring
- hope
- resilience
- determination
- love
- kindness
- laughter
- life
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